Saturday, April 13, 2013

As The Days Go By

Well, world. I'm still not working and spending my days at home cooking, cleaning, and with the dog. My day to day life is uneventful and not very exciting but it's the way I live and I don't mind it. I thought I would throw up a few random photos from the last few weeks so no one out there things we fell off the grid. We're still here.

1. Easter
At Easter we went to Payson to see some family and some friends. We always enjoy the time we spend there and I didn't feel like cooking an Easter Dinner for 3 people. We went to church, went for a nice sunny walk, and then had dinner at Terri Legassie's house with some good friends.

2. Birthdays
Last week we went to phoenix to spend some time with Amantha and her family and so that I could take her out shopping for her birthday. We went to the park, relaxed at home, and got to walk around the mall a little bit and try on clothes. Always fun when the sisters get together.

Monday night, which was also Amantha's birthday (April 8), my dear friend Jessica had her baby Briella. Julia and I drove back down to Phoenix to meet her and give Jess our love. Briella was born with long, beautiful hair and long fingers and toes- just like her mama. She has a million and one people who were anticipating her arrival and I am so glad she made it out safe and sound. I am also so proud of Jessica.

I want to give an online congratulations to our friends Emily and Seth Trader, too. Their little girl, Rosalie just came to meet the world too last week. She is beautiful and I am so happy for them. Welcome to the world, Rosalie!

3. Cooking- of course.

Keeping lots and lots of fresh fruits and veggies in the house. I've recently been noticing that the chips and cookies in my house will go away much quicker than the apples and strawberries and cucumbers. So, now I am bringing a lot less of those things into the house and keeping the fruits and veggies stalked up. I'll cut up a cucumber or a cantelope melon and leave them on the coffee table and before you know it, the peeps in my house will have devoured them. Easy.

Last week i also successfully made lots of new things like a vegetable lasagna (no noodles!) and some stuffed bell peppers. In the peppers I had a mixture of quinoia, ground turkey, corn, onions, and parsley. In Dugan & Rachel's peppers I put bacon and cheese on the top of them. They were a success and we will be doing them again!

5. House Hunting
Looking for a house to move into next month. I check all the rental sites every day hoping to stumble across a miracle. Everything in the area we want is way over priced and I am keeping my fingers crossed that as soon as the NAU students begin to move away for the summer, some places will open up. It's been a bit discouraging at times but we still have about 2 months until we have to be out so I'm just trying to stay eager without too much investment in it just yet.

4. Running
Lastly, I've been running as often as I can with Odin. He loves the exercise and the fresh air and so do I. We go on many different trails but our favorite lately has been a 4.3 mile train around the University Heights area. We walk the first mile and run the last three. It's really great because my lungs are finally used to the climate up here and I get back from my 3 mile run wanting more. That is the best!

Alrighty, that's what we've been up to the last couple weeks. Nothing too special but that's not always a bad thing. Hope everyone out there reading is enjoying all this warm spring air as much as I am!


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