Sunday, January 29, 2012


Another week through the snow. Another week watching MadMen and snuggling with my ever sweet kitty and my even sweeter Husband. Another week with lit candles and hot tea. Another week driving to and from work, getting groceries and walking around the mall. Another week shoveling the walkway and getting the mail. It's just another week up here in New York. Been enjoying the simple time at home. I got my hair trimmed and we bought some new couches! The couches were a spur of the moment thing. We are having some friends visit next weekend and I was feeling bad that we didn't have very many places to sit at our house so we took the plunge and got an upgrade in our living room. Our living room looks different. My hair does not.

Please excuse the mess. We were arranging stuff around. 
This week I am grateful for these.
February is almost here. Where did January go?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I've Been Given Much

I have been slacking on photo-taking lately, but we haven't been doing much so you're not missing out. I figured it never hurts to upload an old photo, so here you go. This was taken in Ohio in April of 2009. Oh how time flies. It's already Sunday again so It's time for me to talk about what I am grateful for this week.

This week, I feel especially grateful to have Dugan around. I asked him the question yesterday "What if things were different? What if i never got to keep you?" That made me think a little bit. If I didn't have Dugan, I wouldn't have most of what I have right now. I wouldn't have my vehicle, I wouldn't have any of the furniture I have, I wouldn't have Ramona. I wouldn't have a peaceful home here on base. Things would be a LOT different if I never got to keep Dugan. I am very grateful for him. I have been given so much. I am given the groceries I eat each week because I have Dugan. He gives me shelter. He gives me love and support, and at the end of the day, he gives me someone to tell all of my ideas to as we fall asleep. He is my best friend and I don't ever want to picture how my life would be if he wasn't in it.

This week I am grateful for you.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It's Sunday again, and that means I get to blog about something(s) I am grateful for.
I feel exceptionally grateful this week for a number of reasons. Although the weather quit being so lovely, good vibes in everything else has sprung about this week and I'll tell you about a couple of them now. I know I'm only supposed to talk about one thing each week, but I do what I want and I wanna talk about two. I'll try not to bore.

1. My Neighbors
I know this is shocking because I have exclaimed how I feel about my neighbors before, and I usually hate them. They're loud and rude and don't hold the door open for you. The list goes on. But, long story short, Dugan and I were shoveling the walkway yesterday and my normally rude neighbor came down and grabbed a shovel and helped us finish the job. Nice surprise for the week.

2. Elyse
I'm not one to make a ton of friends for the sake of having them. I don't have a heap of buddies up here in New York because I am afraid of losing friends, so I rarely make new ones. Sounds silly I know. I have a couple dear friends here in NY, one in particular goes by the name of Elyse Catlin. Unfortunately she lives 3 hours away in Rochester, so it's hard to see each other. Last Sunday night, Elyse sent me a message telling me she would be here in the morning to visit and I was more than ecstatic. We sat and talked and hung out and played games and enjoyed each others company. I am grateful for her. Thanks for the visit dear friend.

Stay tuned every Sunday for more "Grateful" posts. P.S: Seth, do your posts!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This Time, I Think It's Gonna Stick

This photo doesn't even serve the blizzard we had yesterday justice.

At least two feet. Lots of wind. lots of cold. Lots of snow.

We aren't cruel owners. We just wanted to see what her reaction would be to the snow. She got over it quickly. The snow you see is on our sheltered porch. Thats how much snow drift there was.

My no snow celebration was short lived. Today our high was 6 degrees and it's been at an average of 2 degrees all day. Burrrr! I don't think all this snow is going anywhere anytime soon.
Wish me luck out there! 

Sunday, January 08, 2012

I Am Grateful: Volume1

Within the last week, I've decided to join in on a little thing my brother, Seth, and my friend, Amber, began doing with the new year. Each Sunday, I will blog about something I am grateful for. Whether it be big or small. So here we begin this adventure. 

It's ironic that today's topic in church was being grateful. We talked for a bit about how expressing our gratitude to others is not only something we should do out of common courtesy, but showing our appreciation for the things we love and feel grateful is needed in order for us to grow and become stronger and more loving human beings. I often feel unappreciative and that is when I should be looking my hardest at the things I am grateful for. I could babble all day.

This week, I feel extremely grateful for the way the weather has behaved so far this summer. Moving to New York, nothing frightened me more than how scary everyone said the weather is up here. "3 feet of snow" they said.  "Good luck driving to work!" they warned. "The grass will be covered in snow by October and you won't be able to see it again until April" they joked. Here i am, almost mid January, and I can still see the sidewalk outside. The snow has come several times, the plows have plowed the roads, we quickly shoveled the walkways, and the next day all the snow has melted. EVERY TIME! It's wonderful! I am so grateful that the snow has left every time it came. I am so thankful that (although it's freezing outside) i'm not scared to go outside. I am thankful that there is not 5 feet of snow outside, even though everyone told me there would be months ago.
Growing up in Arizona, I became very spoiled with all the Arizona sunshine. I didn't know what cold was until now. I didn't know what rainstorms were. I didn't know cloudy days could be strug out to cloudy weeks. 
I am grateful today for the weather. Even if New York still sucks, it throws me a bone every once and awhile.