Well, I have 2 essays due by the end of next week so that's what I've been doing lately. Ive been working less days lately which means we've been getting less money. I think it's time to start putting my resume in some new work places again. We just cant afford such instability. My boss/lady I babysit for had major surgery this last Thursday and will be recovering from that for awhile. I don't know what that means for me, but I certainly hope she recovers fully and soon. No body likes to drag those things out.
For the weekend, Dugan must be in Florence to report to his new company since his company up here in Flagstaff is deploying soon. Annoying, but it's fine. I'm glad he'll only have to go to Florence once a month. In the mean time, I will be at Amantha's new place in Glendale while Dugan's in Florence. I'll be working on my essay and doing whatever I want because I can.
This last Monday, Dugan and I took a drive out to Locket Meadows with our friend Andy who likes to occasionally take photos of us. Andy is the one who took the photos of us last May. Remember? :

Yeah, these ones!
So, anyway, we had another shoot and I love it just as much as I loved the shoot from last year. I think I will have Andy take our photos forever! I'm sure most of you have already seen these so I'll just upload a few for my own memories.
Thanks again, Andy. I love them! Yes, these will be going on my wall. Maybe not all of them, but my favorites.
Ive been taking photos of all the fall colors lately. I've just kept my camera with me in my car and snapped beautiful trees as I'm driving by. This means, of course, that I keep leaving my camera in the car and am too lazy to go get it so when i go to blog, I dont' have any fall photos to show you. Some day I'll remember to bring it inside.
I hope everyone has been having a spectacular Autumn so far. It is 100% my favorite time of the year and I have been soaking it in as much as humanly possible.
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