Huzzah! There are pumpkins on street corners and in stores, there are Halloween costumes for sale, and pumpkin spice lattes back at starbucks. I officially have an excuse to sit at home with a blanket, a book, and a cup of mint tea and just "enjoy the air" as I like to say. Our windows are always open (except when our neighbors are outside smoking, poisoning us and ruining my fall air) and there are apple trees everywhere! I've been sporting all my deep yellows, oranges, and browns just to feel more festive. I love autumn weather. I can't get enough!
We've been to the cider mill where we bought some home made apple cider and some yummy apples (that I made awesome apple pie last week with). We had a picnic at Thompson park, followed by a trip to the Watertown Zoo. I'm enjoying this weather- a lot! It's warm in the sunshine and nice an breezy everywhere else.
I love watching the leaves change from green to yellow to red , and then everyone in the neighborhood pulls out their rakes and makes big piles. And if you don't like big piles of leaves, then i'm sorry, you are no longer my friend.
Happy Autumn everybody!