Thursday, January 03, 2013

Elyse's Visit.

ELYSE! What a good friend she is. We talk every day- good day or bad, it doesn't matter. She's on the other side of the country, literally, but she is one of the closest people to my heart. She surprised me with a visit the week before Christmas, and around my work schedule (stupid), we made the best of every minute together.

I was a HAPPY lady to have this chick by my side for a full week and 2 days. Its the longest we've seen each other in a really long time and the only time we've seen each other since May. I'll have to get her out here again when I can request some time off work so we can do more like see the grand canyon and go for a hike or two. I think she really enjoyed Arizona and I definitely enjoyed having here in Arizona.
It never feels like enough time.
Thanks again for the Christmas surprise!
You're the best!

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