Monday, July 16, 2012

Denied By a Baby

Well, I got me a job! It's a babysitting job for a very nice family. 3 to 4 days a week I will be watching a sweet 5 year old girl named Jillian and a very handsome 14 month old boy named Griffin. They are both great kids and I like this job so far! There is one catch though, Griffin has decided he likes Dugan more than me. It's not that he doesn't like me, it's just that he really likes Dugan. Maybe it's the beard... who knows. It's adorable and a little disheartening at the same time. I did get a couple sweet photos of the two of them today. They're a little blurry but it's hard to take photos of a 14 month old that aren't blurry. You know?

I'm sure he'll grow to love me too. I do feel a bit boring since I don't have very many coloring books or kid games or puzzles or anything like that so i'll have to acquire those things over time. I am excited for this job and happy I landed a job doing what I love. Dugan is still looking for employment and I am still going to put in a few applications to work another couple shifts a week.
We're loving our life up here in Flagstaff and we just can't wait for Rachel to move in!

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