Saturday, August 25, 2012

Leisure Weekend: WIN

I can't believe I have yet to brag about seeing Brandi Carlile in concert. Seth, Rachel and I decided it was definitely worth the little bit of cash to spend on a concert to see Brandi at the Orpheum Theatre in Flagstaff last Saturday. It was purely happenstance that we ran across a flyer in downtown advertising the concert and man am I glad we did! I can't even begin to explain how fantastic this woman is. She is great in her albums, on stage, everything. She is talented on the guitar, piano, in her writing and especially vocally. I love this woman almost too much.
Can't wait for your return, Brandi.

I am very happy to be in the middle of a work-less weekend. Last night we splurged on a dinner at Chilis (har har) and walked around downtown for a bit to show off our brilliant city to our New York friends. My internal clock still woke me up at 5:30 this morning but, whatever. I like waking up with the sun. We got up, sent our friends to the Grand Canyon (I was supposed to take my mom to the canyon today too but due to lack of planning that didn't happen. Some other time), went yard sale-ing where we found a couple sweet deals on a few random objects, followed by grocery shopping and then coming home. All these things happened before noon today. The weather is beautiful outside and we're making BBQ beef in our new crock pot for dinner.

In other news, Dugan is officially and employee of Late for the Train cafe. He'll be working in the roastery and as a maintenance man for the other locations. He is very excited to start work Tuesday morning, as am I.

For the road, I'll leave you all with a photo I snapped yesterday of the little guy I spend every day of the week with.  He is a ham.

You've gotta love that toothy smile.

Happy weekend-ing to all.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Each day seems more busy than the one before and I don't have any time to tie my thoughts down, let alone document any of the recent events in our life. So, lets catch up a little.

Rachel Moved in. Awe yeah. 
old photo^ I haven't taken any new ones of us yet so deal with this one.
Rachel has been fervently looking for a job and I have been trying to keep her relaxed the whole time. We do a whole lot of 30 Rock watching, cooking, and working out. Which leads me to my next item of business.

We've been working out every day getting fit and feeling good about it. 
Last week we took a minute out of our day to try on some pants at American Eagle and I fit my butt into a size ZERO. I don't know how I did it but it felt a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I also have suspicion that the tag was lying but i'm not looking into it. We've been doing really well on eating healthy and taking at least ten minutes out of our day to do SOME form of exercise. It is possible!

I work almost every day. This week it's been Monday-Friday with a 37 hour work week. I really enjoy what I do although it has it's challenges. It takes patience to watch kids everyday, especially someone else's kids. As rough as it is sometimes, it's even more of a blessing and I am glad I didn't have to stress over a job around town with all the application nonsense. Sorry, I have no photos of me watching kids.

Lastly, I helped host Julia's baby shower last Saturday. I was stressing over it for awhile. So. Many. Details. In the end, the shower turned out beautifully and I am very happy with the outcome. I only have a couple photos of my preparations, but I'll post more when I get them.

Look^ I successfully made a diaper cake. Yay me!

So, you can see why I've been slacking on my posts- there's just a lot of stuff happening all at once and I need to find more time to organize my thoughts so I can post about them in a more organized manor. Tomorrow our friends the Damins from New York will be staying with us (they're stopping through on their super awesome cross country road trip). Monday, classes start at the college so things will be even more  busy. Sigh.
 Wish me luck?

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Sunshiny Summer Days

Hello There! This last week has been busy busy! We brought Sethy back to Flag with us when we got home from Payson and spent some fun quality time together. We went over to our friends the Jordan's house and just played a few video games together with some friends. 

Saturday, we attended a family reunion where my extended family had the chance to meet Dugan for the first time. Sunday, Julia, R.D. and Koos came for a visit and after work this week we drove the 2 and a half hours to meet them up at Lake Powell. We had a blast! Julia's dad let us spend some time on his boat, we had our very first tubing experience and swam around all day. Nothing wrong with that!

Please see the incline of expression on my face as I become more and more terrified until I realize what fun i'm having. It's a hoot.

There's nothing better than spending time at a beautiful place like Lake Powell with some great friends like this.

Rachel moves in this Saturday and I couldn't be more tickled with excitement! 
I sure hope everyone's summer is going as great as ours is!