Sleeping in, staying in sweat pants, and not wearing make up. That's what my Mondays usually look like. Well, I guess that's what every day looks like. :)
December is almost here. That means I'll have lived in New York for 8 months so far. That's 2/3 of 2011! So far, I've gotten to see Niagara falls, the Adirondack Mountains, A few big cities here and there (Buffalo, Rochester and NYC. Sidenote: I saw NYC long before living here), and swam in the great Lake Ontario. I have not, yet, been across the border to Canada (I live 30 minutes away), been to Palmyra, been skiing, or have driven in a snow storm up here yet. Thank goodness. I still have a job, a few friends up here that are slowly dwindling as time goes by, and a close relationship with my cat and my books.
I've spent more time alone in the last 8 months than I ever have in my life. I've never had the issue of not having any one around. You know, having a twin always solves that issue. I've dealt with loneliness, boredom, anger, and borderline insanity at times while living here more than I could've ever been prepared for. Oh, whoa is me.
I'm sure I haven't seen anything yet. I'm sure December is going to open up a whole world of "whoa" for me that I have never seen before. I'm sure there will be times where I will be parked on the side of the road crying my eyes out with 4 feet of snow all around. I'm sure there will be days I spend mostly playing zelda because going outside in the negative 10 degree weather is not an option. This world up here is so different than the world I've known my whole life. I'm not used to not seeing the sun for weeks at a time. I'm not used to people not holding the door open for you or completely taking your parking spot when you obviously had dibs first.
I guess the point to all this is that everyday i'm here, I learn something new. I learn how to deal with rude people and how to work a thermostat (I grew up with a wood stove, people!). I learn how to deal with constantly missing my family and friends, especially the ones I don't talk to anymore. New York is teaching me that whether or not I drown in my pity, things won't change so I might as well pick my self up and keep trucking along until the time comes I can find my next adventure. December, you better be good to me. Please don't give me your harshest winter. Please give me memories of sipping hot cocoa with my husband while watching movies. Most of all, please don't let me be discouraged when I'm sick of being here and I just want to give up and go someplace with sunshine. Please give me some sunshine every once and awhile.